Breast milk meets all the needs of a baby and mothers produce an average of 700-800 mL of milk per day. In order for the milk to be sufficient, the mother's nutrition must be adequate and balanced. Weight loss diet shouldn't be done unconsciously to lose birth weight without the support of a dietitian. If you want to receive nutritional counseling to improve milk quality and ensure the right nutrient intake, you can start the breastfeeding journey, which is a new experience for you, 1-2 months after you start.

Care should be taken to take enough fluids for adequate breast milk production. 30 ml (kg x 30 ml) of water should be consumed per body weight per day.

During the lactation period, besides water, beverages with high nutritional value such as milk, ayran, freshly squeezed fruit juice and compote should be preferred. Since these drinks will provide the consumption of nutrients, they will also affect breast milk productivity. 

A diet rich in meat, chicken, eggs, fish, dairy products, whole grains, nuts, 2 servings of fruit per day and 3 servings of cooked vegetables should be created.

Alcohol and cigarettes should not be used during lactation.

Onions, garlic, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, radishes, beets, celery, leeks, hot spices, lactose-containing dairy products, raw vegetables, or legumes can cause irritability (such as gas formation, refusal to suckle) in some babies, but not at all. . Because every baby is special

What Are Breastmilk-Boosting Foods?

Dill: It is known that dill helps with hormonal changes that increase milk.

Green vegetables: Green vegetables contain folic acid, iron, calcium. It is also known to increase milk.

Barley: Barley increases breast milk thanks to the beta glucan it contains. Boza made from barley is also a beverage that increases breast milk and provides fluid support to the mother.

Oats: Another food that increases breast milk is oats with its beta-glucan content. Since oats contain fiber, it also regulates the digestive system.

Frankincense Cumin: It is known that cumin reduces post-meal bloating as well as improves the quality of milk.

Anise: Thanks to the estragole found in the essential oil of the anise fruit, the mammary glands are stimulated and the secretion of milk increases. anise plant,

Fennel: Thanks to the anethole substance in the content of fennel, it helps the secretion of milk-forming hormones. While fennel tea alleviates gas and digestive problems in the mother and baby, it also has a milk-increasing effect. 2 cups of fennel tea a day can be consumed after meals. Excess consumption can lead to nervous system disorders. However, it must be purchased from a reliable brand in sachets, as there may be toxic substances in the grasses that are sold in the open and kept waiting, it can endanger the health of the mother and the baby.

Fenugreek: It is the most frequently recommended mother's milk-increasing herb. Although there is no standard dose, the recommended daily dose is to consume 1-4 capsules 3-4 times, but excessive sweat, maple syrup odor in milk and urine, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, asthmatic side effects may occur. As a result, these herbs used to increase breast milk have limited efficacy and potential side effects. You should consult your doctor before using these products.


It is generally thought that when sweet is eaten, milk increases. However, this is not true. The energy needs of breastfeeding mothers increase. When it is fed in a way that its energy needs are met, milk is secreted sufficiently. The increased energy need is not an amount that requires constant sweets. About 80 calories are spent for every 100 ml of milk. Mothers who consume adequate and balanced meals do not need to eat sweets to increase milk supply. Foods with added sugar can cause weight gain as they only provide extra calories to the mother. Instead of consuming milk desserts and sugary compotes every day, consuming 1 prune or date after each breastfeeding will be more effective in providing weight control and increasing milk quality.


In order to increase milk, it is important for the mother to be away from stress. Stress can reduce breast milk supply. In addition, paying attention to the mother's sleep and resting whenever possible will also be a milk-increasing behavior. If the breasts continue to feel full after breastfeeding, milk should be expressed.

In order to walk with safer, correct and confident steps, breastfeeding counseling and support from a dietitian should be obtained during breastfeeding.